Saturday, April 24, 2010

How Well You Know Your Life?

how well you know your life actually?

how true life is like a roller coaster or life is like merry go round?

Everything is sort greatly according to the ABC of life from the day you were born to the day of your death..

it basically the true great nature of the God which is Allah in Islam to which He decorated it..

but, does everything you do only need to depend on the God? no offense or misunderstood..

but do you really have to blame on God if you have the misfortunes? or the wrongdoings you done?

you yourself are the architect of your life.. you the one who seek for the virtues or sins..

it comes to the great wisdom of one to think.. never blame it on God!

it is the nature of man to blame on others to where he need to self esteem himself.

but when it come to mortals who has the power to control your life, what will you do? retaliate? fight?

maybe now you can say that you control all of your life, but in the end of the day, you just one of the puppet who got strings on its body, to be held by the people of the power and money..

dont ever let your life be like that, just go back to the basics as you will appreciate more on your life, definitely!

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